Author: owner
CM meets Milo
HS students meet Mylan Execs to discuss Mobile Unit
Mylan Mobile unit donation of $25,000!
Canon-McMillan Horizon Foundation donates reading corner to Middle School
“Save the prom tickets” effort
The Canon-McMillan Horizon Foundation thanks EQT and Range Resources for their generous donations to “Save the prom tickets” effort! The foundation is honored to provide a donation as well to ensure that the laser printer is repaired and the prom tickets completed!
Range Resources Donates $5,000 to the CM Horizon Foundation
Teacher Application
While the Horizon Foundation is building its funds to offer larger grants we want to let you know we are seeking grant requests from teachers.
If you have an idea that will support a classroom goal apply now. We will review requests at our monthly meetings. Use our online application with a short explanation of your purpose*. We are offering these grants until the end of this school year and we hope we can assist in complementing a classroom activity.
*We do not want to conflict with District policies so for that reason we are not accepting field trip assistance requests.
Canon-McMillan Horizon Foundation
Educational Enhancement Grants for Teachers
Who may apply: Teachers, Nurses, Guidance Counselors, and Administrators of the Canon McMillan School District
Guidelines and Eligibility:
• The criteria considered by the Board of Directors of the Horizon Foundation includes:
o The potential for the project to enhance the classroom experience and improve the education of the Canon-McMillan Students.
o The applicant, if approved, will be assigned an advisor by the Board of Directors of the Foundation, to act as a liaison between the applicant and the Board throughout the course of the project.
o Grant funds may be used for educational materials, and supplies, and anything that promotes the education of the students of the Canon-McMillan School District.
o Any equipment purchased or donated becomes property of the Canon- McMillan School District.
o The grant may be partially or wholly funded. If a partial grant is given and you feel the grant could not meet its or the foundation’s goals, you must refuse it in writing with two weeks of receipt of the grant approval notice.
o The proposed project should not be a normally budgeted item within the school district’s budgetary plan.
o Grant recipients must report the progress of the project to the Foundation, in writing, no less than six months, and must report and document expenditures to date. At the conclusion of the project, Grant recipients must offer a final report, in writing, to the Foundation, which shall address and document all expenditures.
o By applying, the applicant is agreeing to any and all terms, conditions and restrictions referenced herein. The applicant further agrees that the Foundation may withhold and/or recover any funds in the event that the Foundation, in its sole discretion, determines that such funds are being or have been misused.
o All grants are subject to approval by the Canon-McMillan School District.
o Applicants may be requested to provide additional information to the Canon-McMillan Horizon Foundation Board of Directors.
How to Apply:
You may download an application on our website.
Mail applications to:
CM Horizon Foundation,
200 DeMar Blvd.
Canonsburg, Pa. 15317
Canon-McMillan Horizon Foundation
Education Grant Application
The Canon-McMillan Horizon Foundation is offering small project grants while it is building its funds. This will enable teachers to apply for a grant that will be addressed within a month of application by the Board of Directors of the Foundation. It is a short application. It requires the teacher’s request describing its purpose and goals. It also requires an administrator’s signature that establishes that this request does not fall within normal District budget items.
Teacher’s Name
Title of Project and Educational Objective
Funds Requested
Anything extra that would help us with our decision
Administrator’s Signature____________________________________
I am signing this recognizing that this project would not fall into a regular budget item.
Grant Application narrative: (to be submitted along with the application)
• Describe the objectives for your project, explain benefits of this project and identify who is going to be the beneficiary of this project.
• Show a timeline for how this project will be implemented.
• Include an anticipated budget for this project.
For Internal Use Only
Date Received: ____________________________
Reviewed by:
Executive Committee___________ Date_______________________
___________Approved _________ Amount ____________Denied